In a dystopian future, citizens live and work in Company towers a thousand stories tall, bound by a strict contract to build robotics for a far-off war. Unsanctioned vices, especially relationships with the androids they build, are severely punished.
Coming Out follows young filmmaker Alden Peters on his journey coming out gay, capturing everything on camera as it happens. This groundbreaking coming of age film places viewers directly inside the raw, intimate moments when Alden reveals his true identity to his family and friends, ranging from the painfully awkward to the hilariously honest. A story bridging generations and societal divides, this award-winning documentary makes us rethink what it means to live an honest life, ultimately leading us to a place of understanding and acceptance of oneself and one’s community.
From Executive Producer Rachel Brosnahan (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel), comes a hilarious and moving story of self-acceptance. After being rejected for being too Femme, Carson learns to embrace his truth by way of a drag queen fairy godmother.